Bryn Mawr College is able to enjoy this privilege of sharing such a celebrated piece of dance history as a result of our Dance Program‘s inspiring ambition in conjunction with the Martha Graham Dance Company as they navigate, with skill and dedication, their responsibility to both preserve the past and create the future.

Some further reading (and listening) of interest:

Bryn Mawr Dance: Events and News

Bryn Mawr’s Interdisciplinary Performing Arts Series

The History of Modern Dance provides a chronology for the creation of this uniquely American dance form, with brief biographies of certain key players and their formal contributions to the history of dance, via The Austin Ballet. (PDF)

Who was Martha Graham? PBS American Masters provides a profile of her and her work.

“An Athlete of God” Martha Graham speaks about dance and life, circa 1953, on NPR this i believe. (audio clip and written transcript of Graham’s essay)